Community Forest Enterprises (CFE) of Bukik Ijau presume that illegal loggers were the perpetrators behind the burning of their hut which established a year ago...
Archive for tag: Bukit Betabuh
30.082018Agustus 31, 2018

Keramat Sakti Kampung Lului
By Widya AstutiIn agroforestry, eco-tourism, Empowerment, Forest, Indigenous, LivelihoodTags Agroforestry, Air Buluh, Bukik Ijau, Bukit Betabuh, Daemonorops draco, Darah Naga, eco-tourism, history, indigenous people, Jernang, Kuantan Mudik, Kuantan Singingi, Pengelolaan Hutan, Riau, river, traditional customary people, village
#Hutanriau (Rabu, 29/8) – Bendera merah jatuh, lelo pun berdentum, tanda dilepas untuk berpacu. Anak pacu bernafsu mengayunkan “kanyuah” (bahasa lokal dayung) agar jalur melesat menyalip...
18.082018Agustus 18, 2018

History of the Traditional Customary People of Air Buluh
By Widya AstutiIn agroforestry, Forest, Indigenous, LivelihoodTags Air Buluh, Bukit Betabuh, customary law, history, Hutanriau, indigenous people, kanagarian, Kuantan Singingi, livelihood, masyarakat adat, oral history, Pengelolaan Hutan, Riau, traditional customary people, village
15.082018Agustus 16, 2018

Jelajah Jejak si Darah Naga
By Widya AstutiIn agroforestry, Empowerment, ForestTags Agroforestry, Air Buluh, Bukik Ijau, Bukit Betabuh, Daemonorops draco, Darah Naga, Hutanriau, Jernang, Kelompok Tani Hutan, Komoditas Hutan, Kuantan Singingi, Non Timber Forest Product, Pengelolaan Hutan, Riau, Social Forestry
06.062018Agustus 16, 2018

KTH Bukit Ijau Tanami Hutan Bukit Betabuh 30 Ha Lagi
By hutanriauIn NewsTags Agroforestry, Air Buluh, Bukik Ijau, Bukit Betabuh, Daemonorops draco, Darah Naga, Hutanriau, Jernang, Kelompok Tani Hutan, Komoditas Hutan, KTH Bukik Ijau, Kuantan Mudik, Kuantan Singingi, livelihood, natural resources, Non Timber Forest Product, Social Forestry
PIRAMIDNEWS.COM-Kelompok Tani Hutan (KTH) Bukik Ijau di Desa Air Buluh, Kecamatan Kuantan Mudik, Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi (Kuansing) kembali menanami Hutan Lindung Bukit Betabuh. Luas hutan...